Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Glamourous...First class up in the sky

The last couple weeks now April and I have been settling in to our new home in Roeland Park. We moved in with our friend Liz who has a beautiful little home on a corner street. April has been working part time. she travels to schools with soccer moms and hands out prizes to kids that sell things(not sure what). I have gone back to work at Lake of Fire) to pick up PRN shifts. I can most likely work full time because god knows they need the help, but for right now I am picking out days I want to work and being flexible. I am awaiting a phone call from the other job I applied for.

I dropped April off this morning at the airport. She had an interview in Chicago. Wait...I know what you are thinking and no we are not relocating to Chicago. The interview was for a flight attendent position. Intially she passed our at home see if you can reach a certain height, but once she got there they tested her twice more and still it wasn't enough for her to move on the the next round. She was dissapointed but I told her, look on the bright side kid, you now you have all day to hang out with your friends and catch up. She returns Thursday night.


April & Alisha said...

April I love you!

the hortons said...

Hello? Update please. Pretty please.